

1. "If you don't build your dreams, someone will hire you to help build others." Tony Gaskins. 幫人尋夢看似偉大,但你的夢呢?

2. Life is short. 誰知自己可活多久?

3. Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it, right is right even if only you are doing it. 有時候,人生沒有所謂對錯,不傷己不傷人,可罪之有?

4. If you never chase your dreams, you will never catch them. 夢想之「遠近」,在乎你有否盡力拉近其距離。

5. We are not living our dreams because of fears. 放過自己,衝出恐懼,要見彩虹,先捱過風吹雨打。

6. Your dreams not always have an expiration date. 有些夢有年齡限制,請問問自己,這是理由嗎?

7.  Keep calm and believe in magic. 相信世事無奇不有,懷著熱誠,相信奇蹟。

8. Every morning you have 2 choices; continue to sleep with dreams or wake up and chase your dreams. 一日之計在於晨,發夢?不如行動!

9. "Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you." Paulo Coelho. 用力追,盡力做,漸漸行近,沿路總有知音。

10. Tonight, I dream. Tomorrow, I do. 愈是想著不做,愈是質疑自己想來幹嘛。心動?不如行動!

"I dream of my painting and then I paint my dream." Vincent Van Gogh


謝謝各位支持,一起努力,dream big!

My instagram: www.instagram.com/unpauvrevoyageur

1 則留言:

  1. 恩....你到底在翻三小.....
